
  • Dragon Bone Armor Vs Daedric
    카테고리 없음 2020. 1. 24. 14:02
    Dragon Bone Armor Vs Daedric
    1. Skyrim Daedric Or Dragonbone Weap…

    Why is Daedric Armor better than Dragonplate Armor in Skyrim? I got Skyrim when it came out and ignored smithing for a while and now I got it up to 100. I saw the Daedric Armor requirement of 90 and Dragon Armor of 100 and automatically assumed that Dragon Armor would be better. Dragonplate Armor - Crafting Guide - 'Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim' Updated on February 23, 2019. Chest Piece Heavy Armor. Bleached Dragon Bone slats make up the majority of this piece with shoulder spikes that come down and out, tipped with some dark grey. Daedric Armor - Crafting Guide - 'Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim' by SOE 14.

    The Universes of the Elder Scrolls and Fallout merge together in an unholy union when one day Maiq the Liar get's his hands on every Elder Scroll ever and uses them for Toweling off his fur after a bath. The two worlds mere presence threaten to rip apart the fabric of reality for both universes, Natural disasters happen constantly from Earthquakes to Hurricanes throughout both planets. Naturally everyone finds out about this and decide to kill the Kahjiit, but right before his head is chopped of, Maiq reveals that he saved one final elder scroll that foretold this happening and that the only way to stop this is for each world to nominate a champion to fight to the death.Then he get's his head chopped off, the Elder Scroll rolls out of his robes and it turns out he wasn't lying. The Elder Scroll goes on to say that the losing Universe will be completely destroyed as soon as their Champion dies.Oops.-Both character's are at their maximum. The Courier's SPECIAL is 10 in every category and 100 in every skill. The Dragonborn is a Male Nord and has every skill maxed to 100, any armor or weapons that he brings he must make on his own however. No Daedric Artifacts allowed as their presence in this fight will only bring about the End for both world's sooner.-The Courier get's four months prep total in the Mojave Desert, Big Empty, The Divide, The Sierra Madre Casino, and Zion.

    All factions that he encounters, (The NCR, Caeser's Legion, BoS, Mr. House, Enclave Remnants, basically every single faction in Fallout: New Vegas) will help him to the fullest extent of their abilities and resources, regardless of the Courier's reputation and Karma. The Washington D.C.

    Chapter of the Brotherhood of Steel have felt the effects and offer assistance too by sending Blueprints of every major piece of Old World Technology they find, including Liberty Prime and whatever they have salvaged from the Enclave.-The Dragonborn get's four months prep but may only prepare in Skyrim or the island of Solthsiem. The Empire, Stormcloaks, Blades, Greybeards and Thalmor (Again, every single faction in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, including DLC) will all help the Dragonborn prepare for his fight using their abilities and Resources, all rivalries and conflicts are ended with a ceasefire. Daedra and Aedra are forbidden to interfere in this fight by the Elder Scroll. There are so, so many factors here. Courier uses the fatman and Dragonborn becomes ethreal.

    The list goes on for a long time.I think I'm going to go with the Dragonborn but I can be swayed otherwise if someone made a good case. I just reckon he has far too much killing potential.

    Between paralysis, invisibility, magical buffs, Daedric Armor and Dragonbone weapons, every spell at his disposal, the vast versatility of shouts, it's hard to defeat him.As for followers. Since they are both a master of all trades here it's more just them picking the best possible follower. I'd say the Dragonborn would choose Serana and the Courier would choose. Ed-e for further increased perception, Boone for spotting, Arcane Gannon for help with healing, maybe Veronica so she can provide a good distraction using unarmed? Either way I'd still say the Dragonborn outclasses the Courier here.One thing I did forget to note, the Courier will have impressive accuracy with any weapon because of VATS and the perks that improve it, so that's there. So just out of curiosity, you think that a minigun, rocket launchers, Tesla Cannons, and the Fat Man mini nuclear warhead launcher would do nothing to Frost Antronochs or Dragons?I guess I just have a hard time believing that Iron swords and steel arrows can bring down dragons but bullets, missiles and High energy Lasers that turn guys to ash would do nothing to them.

    Skyrim Daedric Or Dragonbone Weap…

    You can turn dragons to Ash with the most powerful shock spell, Lightning Storm, so they aren't immune to it.I absolutely think they can die from that and that should be considered, but the dragonborn can also summon more after their dead and keep restocking his mini army. The courier can only carry so much ammo, but the Dragonborn can constantly replenish his magic. Also, the Dragonborn does a lot more then swing swords and shoot arrows.

    That being said the courier also does more then shoot guns. That's why I said this is tough.

    I'm not sure who would win, I just pointed out the edge he has in his homeworld as compared to Couriers. I thought that might give him just enough of an edge to win the majority of the time. You also have to remember that the Dragonborn can bring a companion with him that can also summon creatures. They can also have dead thralls that use conjuration to have them summon even more creatures.

    With four months of prep, Dragonborn could make a pretty good army of undead, a dragon, atronochs, etc. This is all without breaking the rules of the fight too. Of course, this option is not available in the Courier's world so he loses that edge for that round. That's my thought, but I understand arguments against it too and am no way saying this is a sound proof plan. There is way too many variables to say any one plan would work for either character. This is just one option I am pointing out.

    I could probably just as easily find methods similar to this for the Courier to exploit in his universe. Dragon Born cannot sneak past through Radars. Scanners and sensors.

    Of the many fractions. The soldiers will completely wiped out by mortars and guns. The Dragons also too shot down and also Liberty Prime Is a major factor and would insta kill the dragons with his beam and I would guess it would do A LOT of damage to daedric armor if he even fights the Dragon born.

    They got NCR snipers.while fighting Archers? Brotherhood and their fat-mans would destroy all of the dragonborn fleets. MsHouse has his robots with miniguns and automatic grenade launchers.


    Caesar's Legion could be sent on the front lines lol Power Fist, Training as well, and adding hunting rifles that would also kill the dragons in skyrim.They have Telsa cannons that would just deeestroy the battlefield, and the boomers, Air plane that would drop down bombs and rain fire for a while.NCR Rangers that are meant to go on solo missions are proven to be very good at combat and also at h2h. BoS has sentry guns that could place down, what are they going to do about it? Shoot an arrow at it before they get shot.

    : Pretty much anything, including the shiv he got in prison, is enough damage to kill the Courier and all else there. Easily.: Says you. He's muffled, so he makes no sound. He's invisible, so laser sensors hit nothing. And Sneak perks enable him to avoid all pressure traps and explosives.

    Dealt with wire/rope traps before. Nothing new there. So, yeah you're pretty much screwed.The idea you can insta-kill a dragon is laughable.

    And the 'iron swords and arrows' bit is equally laughable. Doesn't do jack to dragons. Dovahkiin's strength + Nature + Power granted by the freaking God of Dragons himself, is what helps kill the Dragons early in the game. After that he just steamrolls them because he's gotten so absurdly powerful from consuming the souls of dozens of dragons.And, btw, it's just the Courier vs.

    Not every military force in Nevada plus the entirety of Skyrim. 'cause that includes ridiculous magic users who can teleport, create portals to oblivion, raise the dead, and pop out magical artifacts that can warp the reality of the entire world. So, try and not sit too high up on that horse. They tend to get killed by Bears.

    I'm going to say off the bat you make excellent cases for The Dragonborn so thank you for that =) I will say I don't see a Shiv getting through Power Armor buuuuuut who knows, maybe the Dovahkiin hits a rusty spot and then it's bye bye Jugluar Vein. (This is an attempt to get a laugh out of you), and wouldn't a laser pistol be enough to turn the Dragonborn to ash if he's hit? And I THINK, not positive but I THINK, V.A.T.S. Allows you to target people who are using Stealthboys so while the Dragonborn might not make a sound with muffle, the Courier could still detect him. Also, while I agree Insta-Killing any dragon is laughable (damn if only Fortify Restoration worked for reals) There are certainly spells and some weapons that end the fight quickly, Lighting Storm comes to mind.

    Of course now that I think about it i'm not sure if this is able to relate back to the battle. I cannot stop being disturbed at your username. Anyways, Like reikai and my Opening post said above this is JUST the Dragonborn and the Courier fighting using whatever they can build up. While I think a battle between all forces of Tamriel and all forces of Post apocolyptia United States would be an epic battle for the ages, that's not what's happening here. The BoS, The Legion,ecetra they can give the Courier all the training, information and supplies he could possibly want but they cannot interfere directly with the battle.Oh this is good =)Thank you to every past, current and future poster! : Well a #2 pencil can be shot through a tree by a tornado.

    All it takes is enough force. And I find it funny I can use a shiv to kill a dragon. Get mod for Dragonslayer from Berserk. Disenchant for the enchant to do +100dmg to dragons. Enchant onto shiv.

    Shiv a dragon. Win.Not sure about a laser.

    But Lightning perk definitely lets you reduce people to ashes with lightning, bones, armor and all. Including dragons. Ward spells could stop beams. They don't stop physical attacks, but can stop magic/energy. 'Energy is energy regardless of what shape or form' is the saying, so rule of equivalency can fit there. But wards still don't stop a guy from walking up and punching you in the face.Aside from that, with Stealth there is also Nocturnal bolstering the Dragonborn, along with the Nightingale power. I usually take the Shadowcloak of Nocturnal.

    Better to have more stealth than another magic zapper. Have enough of those. Then of course we do have the Alteration Armor spells. With perks, you're practically invincible.

    Dragonfire does little more than be used to light your cigar at that point.Also, op says no Daedric Artifacts. That doesn't include those belonging to the Divines/Aedra, such as Auriel's Bow and Auriel's Shield. Other artifacts like Volundrung, Mehrune's Razor, Mace of Molag Bal, etc etc, are all Daedric Artifacts. Basically Demonic tools. Aedra are the Gods/Holy dudes. I had completely forgotton about Wards and that is an excellent point you make. Actually now that I think about it a Ward could probably block Radiation too because all radiation really is, is energy and accelerating subatomic particles that are the byproducts of Nuclear Fission or Fusion, so no reason a Ward wouldn't block at least the Radiation and Heat of a Mini Nuke UNLESS the ward is overwhelmed with too much energy.

    I think the same also goes for the laser weapons too, the pew pew of a little laser pistol might not be enough to overwhelm the ward but the higher power energy weapons might be able to puncture it so to speak.(Personally I like Nightingale Strife and just make invisibility potions out of Charus Eggs and Vampire Dust or Ice Wraith teeth, just a side note, Magic Zapper's are neat)And as for your Aedric Artifacts. Okay you got me there. The weilder of Auriel's Bow is supposed to be invulnerable right? Weeeelll looks like I messed up. I thought 'Ha!

    No Wabbajack for you!' At first because that's pretty much what I see in every Skyrim thread. =p But noooooo I forgot about the Shield that makes you impossible to kill via Lore. Durn it aaaaaallll!!!

    Very Nice Trump card. You don't think a Holy Frag Grenade would get past that would you? : Well aside from wards it also depends on the Dovahkiin's equipment. Since none of the Dardric Artifacts are allowed (meaning no Ebony Mail or Savior's Hide), the Dovahkiin will have to use/make his own armor.

    Best is Daedric or Dragonplate. That also means enchantments.If heat is the primary tool of the Courier then Dovahkiin will go for Fire Resistance enchantments.

    That would diminish their lasers (which're actually more like plasma pistols than lasers) and any heat-based weapon. Radiation is a bit trickier, but could resist that to a point and then Potions/Elixers to deal with the radiation poisoning. Of course Restoration Perks allow healing spells to restore Health and Stamina together, so the Dovahkiin will almost never get worn down.Also, Auriel's Shield also makes the wielder all but invincible as well, and absorbs the impact of all attacks; physical, magical or otherwise. It stores that energy which the Dovahkiin can release in a Power Bash. Meaning all the force of every weapon that the Courier uses against the Dovahkiin, if blocked by the shield, can be added together and unleashed in a single blow. It's like having Cap America's shield, only better.And I dunno if a holy frag grenade would work. Maxed Level, full perks in every tree with legendary status.

    Dovahkiin is almost invincible. Armor Spells, double strength, greater duration and part of damage absorbed is turned into magica. Combination with Restoration Perks, and the Dovahkiin can restore his Health, Stamina and Magica almost indefinitely while in battle.Moving onto other things, he has other Illusion spells too. Like Mass Paralysis and Harmony. Essentially, he could stun every living thing around him for a good distance, or make them not want to fight.

    Or if he feels like being a mass murderer, he can just use the Storm Call shout, which creates a huge thunderstorm in the sky that zaps everyone, friend or foe, man, beast, elf, whatever, with lightning. And it covers miles. He doesn't even have to aim. I wouldn't say 'Heat' is his primary form of attack, it's just a byproduct of Energy Weapons, where Laser's are just supercharged photons and Plasma Weapons are.

    Well superheated bursts of plasma.The Courier still has conventional weapons and military grade rifles like the Anti-material Rifle, a.50 Caliber Sniper Rifle that's based on a real sniper rifle used by the French and other European Military; the PGM Hecate II. I'm not a gun expert and won't pretend to be, but this kind of weapon is used to pierce lightly armored military vehicles. He also has access to Miniguns like the CZ57 Avenger, a machine gun capable of spitting out 1,800 Bullets per minute Noting that the carrying capacity of this is 120 rounds.

    Both of these weapons can be loaded with bullet specially designed to pierce armor (Armor Piercing bullets =D), so I don't know if Daedric or Dragonplate Armor would be able to stand up to either of these weapons.The Holy Frag grenade was mostly a joke honestly because Auriel's Shield is nearly impossible for me to get around. : I can't say much about how the more solid-round weapons will work against the armor, even with AP shells. They can fairly easily punch through European armored plate and chain. Which would be like the Steel Plate armor in TES.The issue there is we move up to mythical materials and some downright magical ones. Dragon scales and bones are harder than Ebony, which is probably along the lines of black dumascus steel or the like. Possibly harder.I would say that more than half of his armaments wouldn't be able to get through the combination of Dragonplate/Daedric Armor + Ebonyflesh or Dragonhide spell (Dragonhide reduces all dmg/impact by 80%). So what might've been enough to put holes into an Abrams Tank is reduced to the efficacy of a softball striking the umpires padding.

    Stings like a bisnatch, but otherwise doesn't really hurt.Can't say anything about an orbital strike. If he notices, could turn the shield upward to block/absorb the direct strike.

    Or the Slow Time Shout and then Whirlwind Sprint to escape the blast radius. As far planes/aerial fighting, the only thing the Dovahkiin would be able to use (since he's not in Skyrim) is to summon Durnehviir.

    That will still work since the undead dragon is in the Soul Cairne, another dimension/realm, and not a physical world. The Shout connects wherever the Dovahkiin is with the Soul Cairne and pulls Durnehviir through at his call.There is something that the Courier has no defense against at all and it's something that the Dovahkiin can only really use when in range.

    That is the Soul Tear shout, a shout that literally sunders the soul of the target. All the power armor and stuff has no defense against this. It would kill him instantly, then the energies would raise him as an undead under the Dovahkiin's power.However Soul Tear has a very narrow line of attack, unlike his other Shouts. So it can be dodged.

    Dragon Bone Armor Vs Daedric

    But even a grazing blow can be almost fatal. I believe we have reached the end of this debate. In the end while both boast an impressive arsenal and very interesting tactics, it seems like the Dragonborn is much more versatile and combat ready that the Courier can be. With his multiple shouts, Dragon summons, magical armor that we aren't sure how durable that this can be to AP rounds, and an ability to block energy weapons and personally I believe some explosive damage too, The Dragonborn has got a one up on the courier. I don't see many Melee weapons making a DENT in his armor and Unarmed combat isn't gonna work for a guy who could Decapitate people in a single strike.The ONLY way I see the Courier having any chance of winning this is taking the Dragonborn by surprise with an energy weapon of some kind and instantly turning him into Ash or Goo.

    The Dragonborn has got so much for him even without Daedric weapons, he's an ultimate warrior versed in both weapons and magic, whereas the Courier is a survivor of a post apocalyptic world.Sir or Madam, I would like to thank you very much for this well thought out debate. You have made very impressive arguments which I tip my hat to. It has been very interesting and entertaining for me and I hope it has been the same for you =). : That is a Sir. And yes, it is still possible for Courier to win via surprise. If he can get that one shot before the Dovahkiin knows he's there, using a sniper shot from a distance through the head which is the more vulnerable part of the armor, he might be able to kill the Dovahkiin with that one shot. Miss or glancing shot, and then he'll have up his armor spells and defenses.It has been good.

    I have not played any of the Fallout games (nor Mass Effect or much of the Halo series, though I did read some of the novels). I can only speculate based on what information is given and what I have seen for myself concerning weapons (Deadliest Warrior at least does a nice job of that). So I never doubt the efficiency of a gun.

    (you can kill a Jedi with one if you know how to get passed their precog). : He's invisible, so laser sensors hit nothing.His Invisible to the eye! In Skyrim you can get hit while using the invisible spell, so then a laser also can hit you.The Courier still has Thermal scans and Motion Sensors.The idea you can insta-kill a dragon is laughable. And the 'iron swords and arrows' bit is equally laughable. Doesn't do jack to dragons.So are you saying that the guards in Skyrim are Dragonborn too? I've seen five-seven guards take down dragons with just their bows and arrows. So Iron swords and arrows does do jack to dragons.

    The video of 200 imperial archers vs 3 legendary dragons. The archers won, and I'm sure the imperials use iron arrows with their weak ass bow.Now with weapons, If The Dragonborn comes close to the courier, welcome to Fat-Man or a Telsa Cannon. Two months to prepare? His got Sentry turrets, landmines, C4 detonators. He has an automatic Grenade launcher.Now armor I think is equal.

    From Power Armor and Deadric armor. Power Armor easily takes care of Rocket launchers that are obviously much much much stronger than fireballs in skyrim. They can take hundreds maybe thousands of bullets, which i'm going to compare Glass Arrows.and fighting up-close?

    I dare not say, Power-Fist. The courier is trained in unarmed and has been taught by Caesar?

    I would think that would be a fare fight against Daedric armor, since the Power Fist can easily send pretty much any attacker 5-10 meters away.Courier has the Archemedes II, a giant satellite laser weapon. Example like Hammer of dawn from the Gears of War Series but ten times the attack radius. Others have explained other things such as Flying planes, Barriers / Shields.etc.etc.I'm also going to add perks.

    The Courier has the mysterious lady and the mysterious stranger. With 10 luck, When the Dragonborn comes, Both of them are going to come out of nowhere and land a whole clip of a 45 caliber revolver into him and run away and possibly come back again. Dovahkiin becomes ethereal/slows time/whirlwind sprints, gets up close to the courier, hits him with either a calm spell, fear spell, or Nord battle cry, and then proceeds to end his life.He can also paralyse him using alteration, backstab him while invisible, or hide somewhere and continually summon minions to do his fighting for him.Dragonborn has too many options for disabling the Courier and then killing him in his leisure. The courier just has firepower.Game mechanics wise that would be impossible since you just broke the cooldown of all the shouts since you can't DS repeatedly.

    Dovahkiin becomes ethereal/slows time/whirlwind sprints, gets up close to the courier, hits him with either a calm spell, fear spell, or Nord battle cry, and then proceeds to end his life.He can also paralyse him using alteration, backstab him while invisible, or hide somewhere and continually summon minions to do his fighting for him.Dragonborn has too many options for disabling the Courier and then killing him in his leisure. The courier just has firepower.Game mechanics wise that would be impossible since you just broke the cooldown of all the shouts since you can't DS repeatedlyI didn't mean at the same time.

    I meant he could choose any of those depending on whichever suited the situation best.

    Dragon Bone Armor Vs Daedric
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